About Creative Writing Now

Creative Writing Now was founded by writing teachers in 2009 to be a supportive and friendly online space for authors at all stages in their writing lives.

"I love your courses! I am an inveterate ‘course taker’ and yours is best ... I also have an actual degree in Creative Writing from NYU circa 1985, and I have taught writing in numerous schools in NYC. Your writing program is the best program I have come across: innovative, accessible, technically strong—and supportive! " - Mary Ellen Hancock

Meet some of our team

N. Strauss

Nancy Strauss
Founder and Online Courses Director

Nancy taught creative and expository writing at the University of Michigan before moving to the Czech Republic and then Spain. Since founding Creative Writing Now in 2009, she has taught online creative writing courses to thousands of writers around the world. She has an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Michigan and a B.A. in English from Oberlin College.

L. Strauss

Linda Leopold Strauss

Linda is the author of numerous books for young people published by Scholastic, Holiday House, Houghton Mifflin, and others. In addition to her forty-year career as an author, she has taught writing courses for the Institute of Children's Literature. Linda lives in Cincinnati with her husband.

Contact us

Questions? Feedback? We'd love to hear from you. You can use the email form below to drop us a line, or write to us by snail mail c/o William Victor SL, Calle Juan de Austria 22, Pta 6C, 28010 Madrid, Spain.

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Feedback from our students

"I have searched the web and used different worksheets, but none have come close to your worksheets and descriptions of (what to do and what not to do). Both courses I have taken have with Creative Writing Now have been amazing. Each time I have learned something new. The one thing I love, you take everything apart and give examples." - Katlen Skye

"I have found that after only 30 days, my writing is now more focused and it certainly flows easier. Sometimes now, I have to staunch the words pouring out of me, just so I can get some sleep. I no longer compare writing to bleeding a rock and for that alone Nancy, you have my absolute gratitude! Thank you so much for enabling me through your knowledge, to gift myself writing!" – Jessica Clarke

"This course totally taught me how to be a writer. It was the best investment I have ever made." – Mary Jean Westerlund

"This course has jump started my daily writing and made me excited to write every day. I wake up happy and brimming with ideas to start my writing for the day." – Katherine Brand

"Let me put it like this Nancy. For a long time I dabbled around with a few ideas in my mind but never could get it down on paper because of lack of confidence or no discipline. I was like someone in an Art Museum up close to the painting and only seeing the dots of paint. Nancy you directed me to stand back and see the picture in a whole new light. My ideas have been moulded into something new and now I am the artist. I have gotten to know my characters so well I look forward to meeting them when I sit to write. Thanks for helping me develop this gift." – Agnes McWey

"This course has taught me to be more focused and more serious about my writing. I have enjoyed the writing options at the end of each lesson. Absolutely thrilling to just pick up a pen and write. No more staring at a blank sheet of paper with the pen in my hand hovering over the paper. Thank you for giving me confidence in my writing and believing that I could do this!" - Karen Cardwell

"I'm learning so much. This course is amazing." - Karl Tobar

"Thank you so much for putting together this writing course. It was of good value to me as it got me started thinking more deeply about my characters. I don't have a lot of time to write, working two jobs, but I am doing the ten-minute exercise with each lesson, and each evening, trying to get in the habit of sitting myself down to write... I would recommend the course to anyone." - Barrie Creamer

"Thank you so much!! You're always there... The course is great. You are always looking forward to the next lesson like a good novel!!!" - Nuria Alberti

For the first time in ten forevers, I am writing EVERY day. Ideas are continually coming to me." - Alice Whitaker

I found the whole experience extremely inspiring. I was in quite a slump, and this is exactly what I needed." – Amanda Hemmings

"I can't get over how I have changed in only 1 month. I am happier than I have been in a long time!" – Mary Durso

"This course has been so important to me, I feel as if I have got my life back." - Simone Silver Path

"I absolutely loved this course and was sad to see it end. I looked forward to reading the assignments each day. I enjoyed the tips, quotes, assignments, challenges, etc. I would sign up for another one of your courses in a heartbeat. Thank you for inspiring me to continue on my writing journey." – Christine Meyers

"I'm enjoying the weekly email course, Essentials of Poetry Writing. Thank you for offering a basic, no nonsense basic poetry course at a reasonable price." - Michele

"This course has provided me with structure, creative thinking, and confidence. My writing has really blossomed and found its footing." – Heatherly Kates

"Essentials of Fiction proved that I could indeed write and I wrote every day, much to my boyfriend's dismay (waa sniff)." - Jill Gardner

"I wrote more than I ever have, I feel like a writer and I'm excited about my future as a writer." - Tressa Fernandez

"I thought my starting to write was just a hobby; it has definitely become more. Thank you Nancy for giving us all that great opportunity." – Caroline DiMatteo

"It has got me writing again, (something I had "lost" for about 4yrs). It has brought back to me my one "passion" in life that I have always loved." – Karen Connell

"It has improved the quality of my writing as well as my thought process. Creativity flows and I find myself writing easily without getting stuck." - Aditi Mahajan

"I had been stuck in my current work for at least a year, writing hardly anything at all. The accountability sheet forced me to write every day, and I wanted to. Now at the end of the course, I think I'm 90% done with my book." - Anne Nowlin

"Thanks very much for this course. It's been really helpful and well-explained. I look forward to any more courses you run." - Robin Gott

"I find my writing flows better and ideas seem to flood into my brain. Since starting the course I have a new confidence when starting a piece of writing." - Christine Henderson

"This course is amazing - definitely the most beneficial class that I have taken. Not only has my writing schedule improved, but also my schedule for other activities!" – Kimberly Daroogar

"This was an amazing experience. If you are having roadblocks with your dream of being a writer, take this class." – Michelle Denier

"Thank you for a course that builds writing skills with direction to excellence. Everything was included, possibly more than college courses can offer." - Janett Lee Wawrzyniak

"This has been the most productive, creative month I’ve had." - Nancy Pazner

Legal information

This website is owned by William Victor, S.L. You can find the company's legal information here.