Story Ideas: A Sudden Inheritance and Other Topics

Here are some story ideas that you can develop into stories of your own.

A Sudden Inheritance

1) A distant relative dies and leaves your character a fortune, on the condition that s/he marries a particular person, someone your character doesn't even know. Your character is curious about this person, and contrives an excuse to meet him/her...

2) A distant relative dies and leaves your character a fortune, on the condition that s/he must live in the relative's house. This house is big and creepy, and ever since the owner died, the neighbors report strange lights going on and off in the windows...

3) A distant relative dies and leaves your character a fortune, on the condition that s/he must take care of his/her beloved pet. No problem, your character thinks. But this pet turns out to be a lot more trouble than s/he'd bargained for...

4) A distant relative dies and leaves your character a fortune, on the condition that s/he take special care of a particular sculpture. After accepting the money, your character decides to sell the sculpture, which is both very ugly and very valuable. Who will ever know? But after s/he breaks the condition in the will, unlucky things begin to happen. Your character had never been superstitious in the past, but s/he begins to feel as if the dead relative is taking revenge...

5) Your character is left a fortune by a complete stranger. Who is this person? Why did s/he leave everything to your character? Your character decides to investigate the mystery...

6) Your character inherits a fortune. Soon afterward, the man/woman your character has secretly been in love with finally begins to pay attention to your character. But is it your character s/he is interested in, or the money? How can your character be sure?

7) Your character's coworker is very ill and desperately needs money for the operation that would save his/her life. Your character has just inherited enough money to pay for the operation. Your character has always disliked this particular coworker and doesn't want to spend all of his/her money on him/her! But s/he feels so guilty withholding the money when the coworker will likely die without it...

8) Your character inherits a fortune. Soon afterward, s/he begins to see signs that someone is trying to kill him/her. Is it because of the money? If your character dies, all of the money will go to your character's spouse. But your character loves his/her spouse and can't believe that s/he would be capable of murder...

Ice-Cold Story Starters

1) On a trip to the Arctic, your character finds a prehistorical creature preserved in ice...

2) Your character tends to act cold with people they don't know well, but it's only because they're painfully shy. Now your character's apparent coldness has hurt the feelings of a coworker whom your character's secretly in love with. Can your character summon up the courage to fix this situation?

3) Your character's driving in a blizzard when their car breaks down on a country road. They are miles away from everything and everyone, apart from the very annoying hitchhiker your character picked up at the beginning of their journey...

4) Your character finds footprints in a snowy field near their house. What's strange is that the footprints make a circle, but there are no footprints leading to the circle or away from it. What is going on?

5) People learn of a terrible monster hibernating under the snow near their town. They must find it before the snow melts and the monster wakes up...

Bonus: Ice-cold Poetry Prompts

Write a poem with one of these titles.

- The Smell of Snow

- Midnight Ice Cream

- Hibernation

- Frost on a Mirror

Our 8-week course on story structure will show you how to turn your ideas into great stories or novels

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